Why Now is a Great time to Choose an Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (ARM)

Posted by Leo Clark. on Tuesday, November 1st, 2022 at 5:52am.

Why Now is a Good Time For An Adjustable Rate MortgageIt’s tough to ignore the news of rising interest rates, and that has some people looking for other options when it comes to buying or refinancing a home. Fixed-rate mortgages have increased quite a bit over the past few months, and that’s why, for some, an adjustable-rate mortgage, or rather ARM, makes sense.

It’s especially true if you think you might refinance or sell before the interest rate adjusts. That makes an ARM a good option for short-term home purchases because during the time you have the home, you’re making lower payments.

There are quite a few pros when it comes to adjustable-rate mortgages.

Even if the rate does increase in the future, you could also find you’re in a better financial situation, making the rate hike easier to absorb. You may even find you’re able to get an ARM now but convert to a fixed-rate mortgage later.

Unlike a traditional fixed-rate mortgage, your rate will change over time with an ARM, but that’s determined by the terms of your contract. That’s why an adjustable-rate mortgage could mean you eventually end up spending more money, because you don’t have a rate locked in.

There are three common types of ARMs.

Hybrid ARM

With a hybrid ARM, you may be able to get an initial fixed rate for three, five, seven, or even 10 years before it resets. After that fixed-rate period is up, the rate adjusts, sometimes once a year. It could also be every six months following the initial fixed-rate period.

Interest-only ARM

There’s also the option for an interest-only ARM. With this type of adjustable-rate mortgage, you only make interest payments in the beginning, but the loan balance doesn’t decrease. At the end of that period, your monthly mortgage payment goes up.

Payment-option ARM

Experts saw demand for ARMs hit a 14-year high this past spring when fixed rates went over five percent. As with any type of mortgage, it helps to shop around for the best rate.

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